Friday, December 19, 2008

Our house at Christmas time!!

If you put your curser on the picture, it will give you a title. It's kind of genaric for now, but it's better than nothing right? I had a beutifull show all set up, and my computer won't let me post it. I guess Donnie probably needs to add some softwear.

Vanya's band concert went very well. Unfortunately my camera was on the fritz, so I don't have any pictures. I'm hopeing to get some off of a friend. We had cookies and pop afterwards in the cafeteria. Ann was only to have a 1/4 of a can, but when we got home, she snuck and finished all of it. I guess I didn't put it up high enough. Doenisha and I have been working hard on that slide show, so you can imagine how disappointed we both were when this program would not let us post it. It was sooooooooo pretty too. I'll have to call my expert "my sister" she has a beautifull blog.

1 comment:

Mrs. Deb. Blowers said...

Your house looks so pretty Donna. I don't do a lot this year. I'm getting old and keep thinking, 'whatever I put up, I have to take down'!! Have fun with the kids this year. All of us will be together and with the ages of the kids it will be so much fun.
Merry Christmas.

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