For those of you who havn't heard yet, on 12/10 I was in a pretty seriouse car crash. Thankfully no one was hurt. I had made plans to pick Ann Marie up early from preschool, but right before I left the house somthing to me to just leave her there till I got back from town...I guess that was the Lord's protection over her. Someone pulled out in front of me in slow motion. I tried to swing into the parking area off to my right to miss him, but after he had gotten clear out in both lanes, he decided to put his van in reverse for some odd reason, so there was no way of missing him. We are so thankfull that no one was hurt, and he has insurance to cover my car. We havn't heard yet if it's been totaled or fixable. For the impact, the outside damage isn't too bad on my car, but I guess it depends on what they find under the hood, and if the axle has been bent...not sure how they figure all that out. I'll try to insert some pictures.

Too bad I don't have a picture of me strapped to that terrible backboard...lol

The Bergholz EMS once they figured I was o.k. started playing with their brand new ambulance on the way in, they said I was their first passanger since they baught this brand new ambulance.
I had a hard time getting out of my door, and the air bag had gone off, so there was smoke comming out of the steering wheel. I thought my car was on fire, so you can imagine the panic. I had to draw back and put my whole weight into the door to get out, and there was just enough room for me to squeeze out.
Thankfully I didn't get sighted for anything. I know a guardian angel was hovering around.
I'll close for now...hope you have a great day! I'm going to try and keep up with this blog more often. Love all of you, Donna
Whew! Thank goodness that you are ok! Glad that you weren't hurt any worse and that the other driver has insurance to cover your vehicle! Hopefully you are feeling "less sore" soon!
So sorry about the accident. Glad you were not hurt worse. Thanks for posting the blog and giving us the details. It makes it seem like we live closer together. Love ya!!
Hi donna,
So sorry to hear about this. Did this happen in Bergholz? thank God you didn't get hurt and that Ann Marie wasn't with you. I bet you are very sore though.
I am so glad you came to Tops. You are a fun girl. Keep up being the Best Loser.
see you Monday,
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