We are so proud of her! Here are a few pictures I put together for her in a slide show! She's a very tender hearted girl that helps and keeps me going in the rough times. I'll never forget counting her fingers and toes at the hospital to make sure they were all there!! I also remember telling my friend that I wasn't sure I was allowed to say it, but I thought she was so pretty...lol She assured me that was o.k. She's now a 15 year old lady. She's in the 8th grade and will be heading off to the high school this summer. We're not rushing that. I'm not sure where the time went. She's also very attached to her little Ann Marie. They tend to snuggle when things are going wrong. It works both ways. Sometimes Mommy doesn't get to put Ann to bed...lol We just have to wink and let it go. Doenisha is like her second Mommy. We love you Doenisha and are so proud to have you in our home! Much love Mommy and Donnie Oh, yea. Can't forget Vanya and Annie. Some days they fight, but for the most part they are tightly woven...lol
Happy Birthday Doenisha!!! Love you lots girl. Couldn't love you any more than if you were mine. You were already a year old when I first saw you. Your smile reminded me of a little girl that I used to room with. God has a plan for your life. Take time to follow his road map.
Where do the years go? I remember she was such a sweet baby.
Happy birthday!
Sis. D.
I remember when she was born and we were at the hospital!!! Can't be this old already can she?? Tell her we love her and wish her a happy birthday!! Love you too Donna.
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