In my Dad's tradition. I asked Doenisha what her favorite meal was... She wanted a roast, so Donnie stopped by the store on the way home Friday evening. I put my request in for "golden mushroom soup" if you've never put that in the crock with your roast before, you've got to try it!!! They thought I put too many potatoes and carrots in, but funny thing is, I don't think there were any I put it in before going to bed, so the meat would fall apart by the time we ate. MMMMM.....she had atleast 1 refill, if not two...we had to wait for her to finish eating before we could start the Here are a few pictures from her party! I'm not sure if my chocaholic was more excited about the candy in her bag, or the "high school musical" movie we got her??????
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11 years ago
Hardly seems possible. I remember the first time I saw her. Happy birthday, Doenisha! Looks like you had a great day!
Lovely pics and she is a real dolly
and you will soon have to "fight the boys" off the porch! :) Love ya, girl! Katie
Thanks for all the comments you've left on my blog!
Doenesha and Vanya are really grown up. Annie is a cutie!
How are things going for you?
Well , we really had some neat experiences on our trip to haiti.
We went to the citadel fort, and went to Jacmel, and with help found the Beautiful Ramon Beach, and of course the special wedding Hansel was in, and the good haitian food was nice too.
And the day we road the fourwheeler to a church in the country..I have to say that was really fun! Then after the meal there; we followed Hansel's family to make a visitation but we didn't walk back in to the home,. when we got so far and then quit runnin the machines Tim, Darlene, and Kester walked in to someones home. Hansel, Dylan, Carlin and I stayed behind.
Anyway it sounds like you really liked it in Haiti when you were there! Thats neat!
Well all for now. Have a good day!
Thanks for keeping in touch!
She is lovely,Donna!! Sounds like you gave her a great birthday!
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